14/11/21, Day: 34, 22km, Total 906km
Elevation Gain: 1042, Loss: 1024m
A rather pleasant day.
Left at 7.30am for the climb up to Kenepuru Saddle. Good warm up to the day that was all ridge walking with lots of up and down.
Lots of good lookouts with stunning views of the Sounds.
Hit the road to Portage and had the choice of walking another 3 hours to Davies Bay Campsite, starting with a 300m climb or calling it a day and heading down to the DOC campsite 10mins away. I took the downhill option. Had enough hills for today.
Cowshed Bay Campsite is pretty good so I put up my tent and did the 10min walk to Portage for beer and chips. Very nice they were too.