10/11/21, Day 32, 16 km, Total 855km
Elevation Gain: 702, Loss: 1393
I thought yesterday was magic. Today was even better.
For the first time since I left home 6 weeks ago there was not a cloud in the sky today. At times it was too hot but since we were going down hill most of the day as well as being below the bush line the temperature was OK.
Once at the road end I rang Geoff to pick us up and we walked the 1km to where I got picked up last week.
The Tararuas are huge and majestic. The big hills really knocked the stuffing out of me but worth the effort for the great views and scenery.
I definitely don’t have the same level of energy that I had 10 years ago and need lots and lots of rests when climbing the big hills but I’m so pleased to still be able to do this stuff. I’m very lucky indeed.
Was great having Marcus to keep me company during the last couple of days.
Great night again at Geoff’s with good company and food.
Really enjoyed a few beers tonight and a huge meal.
Marcus will be carrying on North tomorrow and I’ll be making arrangements for a ferry across Cook Strait.