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Nichols Hut to TeMatawai Hut

9/11/21, Day 31, 14km, Total 839km
Elevation Gain: 1012, Loss 1292m
The best day ever.
Woke up to find Marcus sleeping in the same hut. He arrived at 9, well after I went to bed. I met Marcus when I was staying at Kilbirnie – he was just starting NOBO.
Today was perfect conditions for being on the open tops. Only a very light breeze and the sun shining most of the day. Sometimes clouds came over and that was usually when I was pushing up a hill so it helped me to stay cool.
The views were stunning today. As far as Ruapehu to the north and Kapiti Island to the west. But best of all was being able to look back and see where I walked yesterday and today.
Stopped at Draco hut for lunch. That’s a cool wee two bunk hut.
Arrived at the TeMatawai hut the same time as Kris – another SOBO hiker. Chatted for a while and she carried on walking.