3/11/21, Day 26, 39km, Total 770km
Elevation Gain: 1517, Loss: 1493
A tough day thanks to the wind.
Down to the bakery near Camp Elsdon for breakfast at 7.00. It was a good one. Then off up the hill at 8 to Colonial Knob. Okay views and a lot of wind. This was to be the theme for the day.
The track stayed away from roads most of the day which was quite impressive. But the wind on the ridge was ferocious.
Met one lady on the ridge when the wind was especially strong. Couldn’t even talk to her.
I got blown over once. Lost a bit of skin off my left hand.
Eventually dropped into the main street of Wellington. Popped into Triton for more hearing aid batteries and an appointment for tomorrow to fine tune my hearing aids.
Couldn’t face more wind by going over Mt Vic so walked through the tunnel instead. That was cool.
Got to George’s house in Kilbirnie at 7 and George arrived with Marcus (who is starting NOBO tomorrow) at 8.30pm. We had a very pleasant evening. George ran the Trail a couple of years ago in 40 days. He’s a legend.
Today’s first climb The accommodation block I stayed in last night Friendly weta Colonial Knob view The other view from Colonial Knob Jock’s favourite place maby? This place is really dressed up for Halloween The windy Skyline Walkway Damage from being blown over First view of the Caketin Wellington with a Ferry coming in The highest point A memorial Wellington motorway The Beehive of course He should jump before he gets blown off People pay to throw axes Mt Vic tunnel