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Tokomaru Shelter to Poads Road

30/10/21, Day 23, 24km, Total 677km
Elevation Gain:790, Loss: 962
A wet day that turned out well.
Was ready to go at 7 but the rain was rather heavy so I waited for it to ease off. That worked as it almost stopped when I left but drizzled on and off most the day.
In the afternoon, just before I was picked up by Trail Angel Geoff near Levin the sun came out.
Most of the day was on DOC track through bush with a couple of river crossings. Must have rained a lot during the night as both streams were up and just manageable. Lots of muddy patches on the track but the last 3-4km the track followed a small stream with lots of crossings = very clean shoes.
Two km before the road there is a toilet and a plaque about Helen Clarke opening the track. Sitting under a tarp at a picnic table was a group of people who immediately invited me to join them. They were an outdoor ed group from Palmerston North. They had lots of questions about the trail.
A few km down the road was Makikika Outdoor centre. I dropped in to chat with John who is the local guru re the Tararuas. He suggested doing them NOBO and taking 5 days. Although the next few days should be fine the winds are forecast to be too strong. I need to wait for the right weather window.
Further down the road was this amazing place where Orthodox monks live.
Geoff picked me up and at his place in Levin I met Phil and Jackie – SOBO walkers who started in Wanganui. Excellent night comparing notes.
Rest day tomorrow then I’ll catch a bus to Waikanae.