24/10/21 Day 18, 36km, Total km: 562
Elevation Gain: 244, Loss: 305
Long but pleasant day despite the rain.
Dropped off at Whangaehu at 9 for the 5km walking on the main road then onto a much quieter road to the beach.
On the track to the beach a local stopped to chat and explained that the river crossing 5km down the beach was at least waist deep at high tide. Of course high tide today was at 12.30. The worst possible time as that is when I arrived at the river.
The place to cross was clearly marked so I got out my walking poles to check the depth as I went and waded in. By the time the water was deeper than my poles I was almost at the other side (beyond that point of no return) – and I’m sure my nipples got wet. Turns out my sleeping bag got wet too.
Was good to have that crossing behind me and only 12km of the 17km beach walk to go.
Met a few whitebaiters and fishermen. None of them were catching much.
After the beach the trail is on forestry tracks till it hits a road. Really well marked and easy to follow now. Thanks to the local TA supporters for fixing it up. We
Walked 5-6km on the road until I had phone reception then called Trail Angel Loic who picked me up. Was 5.30pm by then and I’d had enough. Loic is an outstanding host and it’s great to get my gear dry.