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Mangaehuehu hut to Ohakune then Wanganui

Day 16, 22km, Total km: 485
Elevation Gain: 355, Loss: 1062
Was good to escape the rain and wind up on the mountain. It was really cold.
Made it to Ohakune at 1 and rang the 2 Jetboat companies in Wanganui. The second company advised that the track to the Bridge to Nowhere is closed. I went to the iSite and they confirmed that it is closed at least until next weekend, maybe longer. So I caught the bus to Wanganui to stay with my friend Fergus.
I need to get my shin checked as it didn’t like the 12km of the Turoa road.
I’ve now had time to Google shin splints and that seems to be what is troubling my left leg. Been putting ice on it and feeling better. Will need a few days rest.
Tomorrow I’ll find out from DOC what the actual track status is before deciding to carry on South or come back.