Day 15, 11km, Total km: 463
Elevation Gain: 408, Loss: 676m
?️ An easy and very pleasant day.
Left Rangipo at 7 but progress was very slow at first. Mostly due to the loose rocks and scree. It’s almost as bad as walking on ballbearings where one badly placed footstep could spell the end of this adventure. Then the many steep up hill sections are slow as well. This track is not contoured like a road or cycle trail. It goes straight down and straight up the hills.
So while my average road walking speed is 5km/hr in this terrain it can be down to 2km/hr.
But it is spectacular countryside and I love it here.
Then I hit the beach forest. What a contrast. Cool, mossy and easy tracks – mostly.
I had lunch on the side of a stream in the forest with the sun streaming down. I couldn’t think of anywhere I would rather be at that time. So peaceful.
Got to the hut at 1 and could have carried on to Ohakune but decided to stay instead.
My left knee today started to remind me that it could end this journey for me if it wanted to. I need to look after myself and take it easy at times. The left shin muscle is still tight but not getting any worse.
I’m looking forward to getting into some real food in Ohakune tomorrow. Yearning for fish and chips and eggs.