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Owhango to Tongariro Holiday Park

Day 12, 40 km, Total TA kms: 376
Elevation Gain: 1224, Loss: 1005

Big breakfast at Julian’s then he dropped me at Owhango by 8.
Chatted to a couple of old guys having a morning stroll down to the bridge. They were locals.
Track for first half of the day was a really good logging road but once it left the 42nd Traverse it got a lot worse. Heaps of mud and puddles. The track climbed steadily all day.
Several river crossings and Mangetepopo was up to my shorts.
Shortly after the Hillary Outdoor Centre a runner caught up with me. He was staying at the Centre. He walked with me to the Redoubt and asked lots of questions about the TA Walk. Then he ran back.
I splashed for a cabin at the Tongariro Holiday Park so that I could warm up. Its a tiny room and the small panel heater seems to be struggling to warm it up. It should dry my socks though. Had wet feet most of the day from the river crossings.
It was a good day and my biggest day so far.