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Pureora to Piropiro Flats

Day 9, 41km, Total TA kms: 244
Elevation: 879m, Loss: 1009m
The Timber Trail is a well made 84km track
Started with a lot of climbing but very gently at mountain bike gradient. At the top by 10
I started the track at 7am and the birdsong was outstanding. The best I’ve heard in a very long time.
Considered the option of staying at Bog Inn Hut but was at 18km mark turn off at 11.30 so kept going.
Met a family on bikes heading up the hill. They went to the Hut. They passed me on the way back and a little while later the father, Andrey came back and offered me his bike. He jogged back and I biked the last 7km to Camp Epic, near Piropiro Flats. What a life saver. Saved me an hour and a half of walking.
Showers here are very good and the manager is extremely helpful. At $35 for a tent site it’s good value especially as it includes breakfast.
There are a few families here. All good people and mostly bike riders. Good to see.
Feeling tired as always at the end of the day but otherwise feeling really good.