Day 9, 41km, Total TA kms: 244
Elevation: 879m, Loss: 1009m
The Timber Trail is a well made 84km track
Started with a lot of climbing but very gently at mountain bike gradient. At the top by 10
I started the track at 7am and the birdsong was outstanding. The best I’ve heard in a very long time.
Considered the option of staying at Bog Inn Hut but was at 18km mark turn off at 11.30 so kept going.
Met a family on bikes heading up the hill. They went to the Hut. They passed me on the way back and a little while later the father, Andrey came back and offered me his bike. He jogged back and I biked the last 7km to Camp Epic, near Piropiro Flats. What a life saver. Saved me an hour and a half of walking.
Showers here are very good and the manager is extremely helpful. At $35 for a tent site it’s good value especially as it includes breakfast.
There are a few families here. All good people and mostly bike riders. Good to see.
Feeling tired as always at the end of the day but otherwise feeling really good.
A tidy start to the Timber Trail The Trail sign Well preserved bulldozer in the middle of the bush Track goes up and up into the clouds Very kind of DOC to let us know. Bet this sees a lot of use from technology addicts in summer Nice little shelter with cool quotes on the walls. Wow. Can even use your phone on the loo Yes there is one of these every km Yus! Downhill now One of the three big bridges That’s why I felt a bit tired again. Nice firepit