Day 10, 67km, Total TA km: 310
Elevation gain: 948m, Loss: 1203m
Hired a mountain bike from Camp Epic (where I stayed) and left them my pack to deliver to Taumarunui. So nice to travel without it. Mostly all downhill so a relatively easy but longish day. Would have been 3 days of walking.
At one puddle I stopped and looked before riding into what I thought was the best place to go through it. Got it completely wrong and put my front wheel into a pool of muddy water so deep it wasn’t going to come out the other side. The only possible option was to fly over the handlebars. Never done that before. Fortunately there was no damage.
I stopped and read pretty much every interpretive panel along the way and there were a lot of them. Mostly focused on the timber milling history of the area. Maybe part of the the motivation for reading them all was so I could have a bit more rests.