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TeKuiti to Mangaokewa North campsite

Day 7, 22km, Total TA: 171kms
Elevation gain: 632m

Realisation 1: It is OK to stop and rest even if I don’t feel tired.
Realisation 2: I intend to walk into Bluff in a few months. I don’t want to burden someone else with driving there to spread my ashes.

Left Sue’s at 7.30am. What an excellent host she is. A true Trail Angel.
Had a big cooked breakfast in TeKuiti then hit the trail. It was great to be walking again.
The track to the Viaduct camp/swim area was pretty good but after that there were many places that were a bit tricky. Route finding wasn’t too bad as most of the time there were enough markers and if not the obvious worn track was usually the way.
The biggest challenge was the narrow sections of track with steep drop offs that were better suited to goats than people.
So it was an OK walk but a lot of it was slow going.
Many years ago I walked from the Viaduct to the patch of blackberries where we found a missing person during a search. That was about 3/4 of the way along. So I remembered some parts of it.
My energy levels are pretty good now.
I arrived at the campsite at 3pm and could easily have carried on. But I decided I’m not in a race and should definitely take it easy. Tomorrow and the next day will be big km days – 32 km to Pureora then 42km on the Timber Trail. Both will be easy walking compared to today.
Once again I haven’t met anyone since leaving TeKuiti.
It is really peaceful here in this paddock. Just the sounds of birds and sheep for company. I’m loving it.