Day 8, 37km, Total TA : 207 km
Elevation 696m
As expected from the forecast the drizzle was just starting when I woke at 6.00am. Hit the road at 7 – my earliest start so far.
Although it was easy road walking all day it seemed to go uphill forever.
Very few cars on that back road which was good. One farmer stopped and offered me a ride. I declined. First time that’s happened to me on this hike.
Arrived at Pureora at 4. Took a while to sort out access to the cabins but so worth it. The heater is great and the hot shower was exactly what I needed.
Covid borders shifting south tomorrow. I’m on the edge of the new border. Hope it doesn’t go further south.
I’m pleased that my gear stayed dry today. Means my pack is fairly waterproof.
At 10.00am I noticed a slight pain in my left shoulder. Readjusted the pack straps but no difference. A while later I shortened the walking poles by 5cm each. The pain instantly disappeared. Must be linked to the RSI I had in my shoulder many years ago from using the computer mouse too much. Who would have thought. So now I will limit my use of the poles each day.