Day 4, 24km, Total TA:117km
Elevation Gain : 1144 m
I made good time to the summit. Totally clagged so not pleasant there. Stopped at hut long enough to eat lunch then hit the boardwalk to Hiwikiwi. Thanks Noel for the nice pathway. Wish you could have done a lot more.
The track after that has a reputation for mud – lots of mud. I walked this track with my friend a few months ago. Funny and how we forget the things like the amount of uphill involved – it seems to go forever, and the perpetual mud puddles.
Getting to Kawhia West Road was a great feeling.
Easy road walk then to the Trail Angels place I am staying at. Case’s hospitality is outstanding. I’m showered and the kilos of mud have been washed out of my socks and shoes. She even provides one of those gumboot driers for our shoes. I feel spoiled. Ooh, and she also provided fresh eggs. Real treat.