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Ngaruawahia to Hamilton

Day 3, 25km, Total 81kms

Realisation: walking in the rain if it is just the odd shower is OK.
Today’s word: Feeling stuffed.
Slept in again – another 10 hours of sleep. Must have needed it.
Made reasonable time along the riverbank then went to the Base to pick up a poncho. That was to provide an extra layer of rain protection. But it is hopeless. It’s too heavy and bulky so won’t use it.
It was great when I got home to take the pack off and relax although lot’s to do to be ready to go at 8.00am tomorrow. Clothes and body all washed. Feels great.
Big day tomorrow – over Pirongia then to a Trail Angels place. 30km.
I’ve found 4 small blisters and they all have the dental floss threaded through them so they should remain self draining. Just have to be careful when taking socks off that the thread doesn’t get pulled out.