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Mercer to Huntly Golf Course

Distance: 33km

Realisation for the day : There is no peer pressure when the closest person is several kilometres away.

Great day and I am so happy.
The morning was fine and warm but cold wind in afternoon.
Len dropped me off at 8.30am at the Covid road block. The cops there were really friendly. It took 40 minutes to drive the distance it will take me 3 days to walk.
First part of the track was really good as it had recently been rebuilt and gravelled. But from the drag way it was in bit rough in places. I climbed the electric fences and walked through the paddocks which was much better than the official trail – mostly.

During the morning while I was fresh I felt so good. I put the Beatles Yellow submarine song on repeat for an hour and sang full noise with it. Anyone listening would have thought I was mad.
Got to Rangariri at 1.30 and enjoyed Cathy’s pie (Beef, blue cheese and caramelised onions) and salad. Really filling. She is a great host and loves chatting to TA walkers. I am the first walker through this season.
Then only 8km to the GC and all on the stop bank and in the wind.
Pack weight 11kg which is pretty good. I feel tired but really good. Sleep will be good tonight.